Dipartimento di Storia, patrimonio culturale, formazione e societÃ
The Department includes historical disciplines (from ancient to contemporary history, from historical-religious to historical-economic studies and document sciences); archaeological and historical-artistic disciplines; music and entertainment disciplines; geographic, philosophical, and social disciplines. This articulation, in its multiple potentialities, guarantees solid bases for the pursuit of common objectives:
- to valorize the research paths, especially those common to the Department’s different scientific areas;
- to encourage the development of collaborative relationships and exchanges of teachers and students with other Italian and foreign universities;
- to promote and consolidate a network of interlocution with institutions, bodies, agencies and other organizations in the area;
- to encourage and support the development of international relations, from a scientific and didactic point of view, with Italian and foreign universities and research institutions;
- to promote research projects, conventions, initiatives enhancing the Department’s interdisciplinary dimension.
The Department manages the following degree courses:
Bachelor’s degree courses
- Scienze della comunicazione
- Scienze dellâEducazione e della Formazione – EDU (in presenza e a distanza)
- Scienze del turismo
Master’s degree courses
- Dirigenza e Coordinamento di Servizi Formativi, Scolastici e Socio-Educativi – DEC (a distanza)
- Musica e spettacolo
- Progettazione e gestione dei sistemi turistici
- Scienze della storia e del documento
- Scienze Pedagogiche – SPE (in presenza e a distanza)
Interdepartimental courses
Bachelor’s degree courses
- Beni culturali [Reference Department: Storia, patrimonio culturale, formazione e società ]
- Lettere [Reference Department: Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dellâarte]
- Lingue e letterature moderne [Reference Department: Storia, patrimonio culturale, formazione e società ]
- Lingue nella società dellâinformazione [Reference Department: Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dellâarte]
Master’s degree courses
- Archeologia, filologia, letterature e storia dellâantichità [Reference Department: Storia, patrimonio culturale, formazione e società ]
- Lingue e letterature europee ed americane [Reference Department: Storia, patrimonio culturale, formazione e società ]
- Scienze dellâinformazione, della comunicazione e dellâeditoria [Reference Department: Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dellâarte]
PhD courses