L’asterisco. The Faculty of Letters Quarterly

The newspaper «L’Asterisco. The Faculty of Letters Quarterly» was created with the aim of enhancing the communication and the exchange of information within our academic community between teachers and students, and at the same time of promoting a connection with the surrounding area, favoring synergies between these two realities, and strengthening the image of this cultural pole within the urban fabric.

The project puts together existing skills and teachings within the Faculty, and for this reason it is animated by students and recent graduates, under the guidance of the teachers of the Master’s Degree in Information Sciences, Communication and Publishing. This experience will allow courses to find a practical and professional application in the areas of online and offline communication, journalism and information.

Il giornale lavorerà di concerto con l’Ufficio preposto alla comunicazione della Macroarea, pubblicando articoli e approfondimenti su eventi, notizie e iniziative del nostro ateneo e dei nostri corsi di laurea e operando in stretta relazione con la Struttura di Raccordo della Macroarea.

The newspaper will work in concert with the Office responsible for communication of the Faculty, publishing articles and insights on events, news and initiatives of our university and our courses and working in close relationship with the Faculty’s School.

L’architettura del progetto editoriale prevede sette macro-sezioni: i) attualità, ii) eventi, iii) personaggi, iv) racconti e poesie, v) intrattenimento, vi) brevi saggi sul “passato nel presente”, vii) territorio. Il giornale avrà diffusione cartacea; in futuro è prevista la creazione di un sito web e di profili social, così da ampliarne la visibilità e completare la diffusione dell’informazione attraverso differenti canali e contenuti digitali.

The editorial project’s architecture includes seven macro-sections: i) current events; ii) events; iii) characters; iv) stories and poems; v) entertainment; vi) short essays on “past in the present”; vii) territory. The newspaper will have paper circulation; in the future, the creation of a website and social profiles is planned, in order to broaden its visibility and complete the dissemination of information through different channels and digital contents.

Download the issue 0 (PDF, 1,71 Mb)



Prof. Marina Formica

tel. 06-7259.5025 – marina.formica@uniroma2.it



Prof. Francesca Vannucchi

tel. 06-7259.5100 – vannucchi@lettere.uniroma2.it


Editorial board

Editor in chief: Maurizio Costa

Senior editors: Mirko Oddi, Riccardo Mita, Leonardo Vacca, Giulia Dettori, Luca Covino

Editorial and communication secretariat: Roberta Setale, Beatrice Eleuteri

Graphics: Valerio Ventucci

Supervision: Simona Foà, Paolo Sordi